Please note: Authors interested in submitting works to the Review or seeking expedited review should visit the submissions area of the website.

Mailing Address (Standard)

Arizona Law Review
P.O. Box 210176
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0176

Mailing Address (Overnight)

Arizona Law Review
James E. Rogers College of Law
1201 E. Speedway Blvd.
Tucson, Arizona 85719

Thomas P. Williams
Phone: (520) 621-1373
Email: [email protected]

Senior Managing Editor
Jack Wampler
Email: [email protected]

Senior Articles Editor
Jackson Bednarczyk
Email: [email protected]

Business Manager
Arjun Puri
Email: [email protected]

Marketing Manager
Braydon Mathis
Email: [email protected]

Submissions: [email protected]