Current Issue

Justice for Veterans: Does Theory Matter?

The Veterans Treatment Court (“VTC”) movement is sweeping the nation. In 2008, there were approximately five courts. Currently, there are over 350 VTCs and veteran-oriented tracks in the United States.…
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Property Law for the Anthropocene Era

Human activity has replaced nature as the principal force shaping our planet. As a result, we stand at the dawn of a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene. Fundamental changes in…
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The Wandering Doctrine of Constitutional Fact

One of the most misunderstood and undervalued subjects in federal jurisdiction is the doctrine of constitutional fact. The doctrine—which holds that courts must review factual determinations de novo where those…
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Access Barriers to Big Data

While data were always valuable in a range of economic activities, the advent of new and improved technologies for the collection, storage, mining, synthesizing, and analysis of data has led…
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